Poznań, November 17–18, 2023

On behalf of prof. Przemysław Wojtaszek, Vice-Rector for research projects and doctoral students and the Head of the AMU INTERNATIONAL COMPASS project funded by the Polish Agency of Academic Exchange, we would like to invite everyone interested in doctoral education with focus on its international dimension to attend the AMU INTERNATIONAL COMPASS – Applying the Concepts of Internationalization at Home to Reach Excellence in Doctoral Education Conference taking place in Poznań, Poland, on November 17–18, 2023.
The Conference will by accompanied by Educational Fair organized both at AMU Coll. Minus as well as online. Educational offer of 5 AMU Doctoral Schools will be presented.
We believe that this Conference as well as Educational Fair will be an excellent forum to exchange experience of internationalization at home and come up with new ideas for the future. We hope the Conference will bring together diverse and vibrant community of people involved in doctoral education and attract a vast group of future doctoral candidates. We hope you will join us to take advantage of the presence of internationally renowned Scientists to exchange ideas and successfully collaborate.
The Conference sessions will be held in English and cover the following topics:
1. An internationalised curriculum in accreditation standards – practising international cooperation in doctoral schools
2. Top of the top in IaH practices – education of international PhD students: curricula and experience
3. Future IaH skills and future Universities – Organisation, financing and perspectives of international cooperation in terms of doctoral students education
Both the Conference and Educational Fair are organized within AMU INTERNATIONAL COMPASS (task 12) funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange within STER programme.
Adam Mickiewicz University, Collegium Minus, room XVII, Wieniawskiego 1, Poznań